
Disney × Pieadra

Just come in cute items from TAT nail shop!!
We can buy them at TAT olny so please dont miss it:)

For Christmas:)


Little twins star × Sha nail pro

Just come in this super cute item:)
I love you Nail Labo!!!!!!
They are AWESOME as usual yeahhhh:)

Here is new Little twins star Sha nail for winter!!
Thanks Nail Labo!!


Thank you so much!!

Hi This is Emi.
Thank you for reading my nail blog!!
Im sooo happy that many people are visiting my blog from all over the world.
I just want to say Thank you so much for your time for reading my blog.

If you leaved commnets before then you didnt get any emails from me, please let me know.
I will write you back ASAP!!

Please tell me what you want to know about Japanese nails too!!

Thank you
