
Are you looking for flower nail stickers??

"Re-cue" is known for flower stickers in Japan.
There are so many kinds of flower so you gonna see your favorite itmes!

These are new items for summer in 2013


 lets see more items here!!

hana4 in USA

My favorite nailist "hana4" is in Vegas for IBS 2013!!!
If you are going to the event dont miss her demo at Nail Labo.

June 26th @HEY, NICE NAILS in LBC
June 27th @?? in LA
If you live in CA then you have to get nails done by hana4!!!!
I have no idea that how much she is going to charge tho.

NO MOTTER WHAT!!!She is the BEST!!!


What's SACRA Gel ??

Do you know anyone who has  allergy to gel???
Yes,  I have a frind and she has allergy to gel.
She could not touch gels at all.
She was nail artist :(

SACRA is new company for gel.
I was reading SACRA website and they made non allergy gel.
I mean that its low resk to get allergy to gel by using SACRA gel.
Its all made in Japan and organic gel.

I have not hear anything about the brand cuz way to new brand.
Love to use SACRA and see how it works.....

If you are intersting in SACRA gel please let me know!!
Here is the link

Lets see more SACRA gel.....

NARUTO nail art by gel!!!

NARUTO nail?!
I just can not believe that she is drawing NARUTO nail upside down!!!!!
If you have freinds who loves NARUTO then please show this AWESOME youtube!!

She is going to be my fovorite nail artist!!!
Thank you MOCHIKO san!!!
Love your work!!!
